Recipes, both original and favorite ones from other authors. Vegetarian with vegan-friendly (most of the time!) options.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Campfire Stew

And now, after all that bread science, a completely fool-proof recipe.

Here's how I make vegetable stew: I go to the store or farmer's market or to my CSA box, whichever one has the best veggies at hand, and select one white starchy veg, like potatoes, rutabega, or turnips; one green, probably leafy veg, like kale, collards, chard, chicories, etc.; and one red or orange or yellow veg, probably carrots, but could be a winter squash. I'm thinking of a winter stew here, so I wouldn't be using tomatoes or peppers or any of that. I might throw in one bonus vegetable, from any of those categories.

Anyway, here's my campfire stew method: chop coarsely one or two onions. Throw them into the dutch oven with a good dollop of olive oil and cook over hot coals until the onion is cooked. Add the chopped vegetables. Add a container of vegetable broth plus water to cover, salt, pepper, and whatever herbs you have on hand: rosemary is a personal favorite. Cook, with only bottom heat or both bottom and top heat, checking and stirring often, until the vegetables and tender and the stew is creamy and thickened. Enjoy as is or with grated cheese on top. Also wonderful with a dab of butter.

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